Quick start

Navigate in the system command console or terminal to the GRoT> directory and start the default anylsis with the command
python  or  python3

Brief description of how to analyse

Performing an analysis in GRoT> requires use of variuos support programs. Geometry preparation can be done in simple graphical software like Paint, Tux Paint, mtPaint et cetera. Analysis settings and boundary conditions are set in a short text file that one can edit in any text editor, such as Notepad, Word or Notepad ++. Running the computational procedure is executed as a single Python command. The results graphical files in png format are stored in the project directory.

Five steps to be happy!

  1. Go to just downloaded GRoT> directory.
  2. Create geometry as bitmap image and save it to projects folder.
  3. Modify input file input.txt to set up analysis options.
  4. In console or terminal run Python script to perform analysis.
  5. See the graphical results stored in results folder.

Graphical bitmaps

Created bitmap image saved as bmp file of any name has to be stored in the directory projects in GRoT> folder. Input geometry bitmap file will be translated to finite element model, where one image pixel coresponds to one square T4 FE. Using the appropriate colors allows the software to read bitmap image as computational model with proper boundary conditions assigned to it.

Boundary conditions / colors description

Input file

The input file for calculation settings is located in the GRoT> directory under the name input.txt. The commented text pieces are preceded by # sign, which describe the functions and commands that are being used. Editing this file allows selecting proper analysis options.